The documentation you are viewing is for Dapr v1.6 which is an older version of Dapr. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version.

run CLI command reference

Detailed information on the run CLI command


Run Dapr and (optionally) your application side by side. A full list comparing daprd arguments, CLI arguments, and Kubernetes annotations can be found here.

Supported platforms


dapr run [flags] [command]


Name Environment Variable Default Description
--app-id, -a APP_ID The id for your application, used for service discovery
--app-max-concurrency unlimited The concurrency level of the application, otherwise is unlimited
--app-port, -p APP_PORT The port your application is listening on
--app-protocol, -P http The protocol (gRPC or HTTP) Dapr uses to talk to the application. Valid values are: http or grpc
--app-ssl false Enable https when Dapr invokes the application
--components-path, -d Linux & Mac: $HOME/.dapr/components, Windows: %USERPROFILE%\.dapr\components The path for components directory
--config, -c Linux & Mac: $HOME/.dapr/config.yaml, Windows: %USERPROFILE%\.dapr\config.yaml Dapr configuration file
--dapr-grpc-port DAPR_GRPC_PORT 50001 The gRPC port for Dapr to listen on
--dapr-http-port DAPR_HTTP_PORT 3500 The HTTP port for Dapr to listen on
--enable-profiling false Enable pprof profiling via an HTTP endpoint
--help, -h Print this help message
--image The image to build the code in. Input is: repository/image
--log-level info The log verbosity. Valid values are: debug, info, warn, error, fatal, or panic
--metrics-port DAPR_METRICS_PORT 9090 The port that Dapr sends its metrics information to
--profile-port 7777 The port for the profile server to listen on
--unix-domain-socket, -u Path to a unix domain socket dir mount. If specified, communication with the Dapr sidecar uses unix domain sockets for lower latency and greater throughput when compared to using TCP ports. Not available on Windows OS
--dapr-http-max-request-size 4 Max size of request body in MB.
--dapr-http-read-buffer-size 4 Max size of http header read buffer in KB. The default 4 KB. When sending bigger than default 4KB http headers, you should set this to a larger value, for example 16 (for 16KB).


# Run a .NET application
dapr run --app-id myapp --app-port 5000 -- dotnet run

# Run a .Net application with unix domain sockets
dapr run --app-id myapp --app-port 5000 --unix-domain-socket /tmp -- dotnet run

# Run a Java application
dapr run --app-id myapp -- java -jar myapp.jar

# Run a NodeJs application that listens to port 3000
dapr run --app-id myapp --app-port 3000 -- node myapp.js

# Run a Python application
dapr run --app-id myapp -- python

# Run sidecar only
dapr run --app-id myapp

# Run a gRPC application written in Go (listening on port 3000)
dapr run --app-id myapp --app-port 5000 --app-protocol grpc -- go run main.go