The documentation you are viewing is for Dapr v1.6 which is an older version of Dapr. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version.

Preview features

List of current preview features

Preview features in Dapr are considered experimental when they are first released. These preview features require explicit opt-in in order to be used. The opt-in is specified in Dapr’s configuration. See How-To: Enable preview features for information more information.

Current preview features

Feature Description Setting Documentation
Actor reentrancy Enables actors to be called multiple times in the same call chain allowing call backs between actors. Actor.Reentrancy Actor reentrancy
Partition actor reminders Allows actor reminders to be partitioned across multiple keys in the underlying statestore in order to improve scale and performance. Actor.TypeMetadata How-To: Partition Actor Reminders
gRPC proxying Enables calling endpoints using service invocation on gRPC services through Dapr via gRPC proxying, without requiring the use of Dapr SDKs. proxy.grpc How-To: Invoke services using gRPC
State store encryption Enables automatic client side encryption for state stores State.Encryption How-To: Encrypt application state
Pub/Sub routing Allow the use of expressions to route cloud events to different URIs/paths and event handlers in your application. PubSub.Routing How-To: Publish a message and subscribe to a topic
ARM64 Mac Support Dapr CLI, sidecar, and Dashboard are now natively compiled for ARM64 Macs, along with Dapr CLI installation via Homebrew. N/A Install the Dapr CLI